Who Are We?


Iboga FruitWHO ARE WE?

We are three friends whose lives have been deeply entwined for many years. A profound collaboration between Africa and the UK, our life-long connection is built on trust, integrity, responsiblity and love. As it happens, those are also our company’s core values. It is these fundamental principles which brought us together and which have led to the blossoming of our beautiful company Green Africa.

We love nature and believe in sustainability. For us, green symbolises our love of the natural world, our mother continent (Africa!) and Gaia herself, Mother Earth. We have embraced a sustainable approach that sets us apart.

Our commitment to the environment goes beyond mere lip service: it permeates every aspect of our operations. From the materials we source to the methods we employ, we strive to minimize our ecological footprint while maximizing our positive impact on our planet. With innovative and forward-thinking strategies, we have woven sustainability into the fabric of our business, creating a harmonious balance between our creative endeavors and our responsibility to the Earth. On this exciting journey we continue to explore new ways to protect and preserve our precious environment through our eco-conscious initiatives. We can make a difference, one green step at a time.

We are planting forests of iboga trees across tropical and equatorial Africa to reduce the threat of deforestation in Iboga’s natural habitat, and to sustain and increase the African rainforest. Our life experiences, our shared passion for deep understanding of consciousness, and our search for Mysterium Tremendum and the very meaning of life drew us to an encounter with the Spirit of Iboga. From that moment we have been captivated and a force beyond us seems to have taken over.

We are in awe of the power of the plants we are working with. We feel it is our mission to bring awareness of the miraculous Iboga tree to global consciousness and make its powerful healing “heart and soul” medicine available to all.

Benefits of Iboga

Addiction Circuit-Breaker:

  • Can reverse substance addiction: including heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, methodone, nicotine, opioid and alcohol addiction
  • Halts toxic behavioural patterns and negative thoughts can return brain to ‘normal’ (pre-addicted) condition resets the addicted brain
  • Total brain detox from symptoms of addiction
  • Eliminates addiction withdrawal symptoms
  • Repairs and regenerates neurons damaged by addiction
  • Can positively alter perceptions, mood, consciousness and behavioural patterns
  • One Ibogaine treatment = ten years of therapy
  • Induces immediate deep introspection
  • Induces ‘life review’ allowing recall of key psychological life events which may hold clues to present and persistent issues, including the root cause of addiction
  • Opens doorway to subconscious mind
  • Deep but detached self-analysis – recollection of painful memories in detached unemotional manner, allowing them to be recognised, understood, accepted, assimilated and healed
  • Allows access to the deep recesses of the mind for psychological insight into difficulties and traumas
  • Can reduce and even completely eliminate anxiety and depression   
  • Induces deep emotional encounter with one’s own heart
  • Leads to greater connection with oneself and the world
  • Healing of disconnection, isolation and loneliness – when one is fully integrated, and when one has one’s own soul, loneliness is not possible
  • Heals a psyche fragmented by trauma
  • Induces a sense or enhanced brain capacity and mental clarity
  • Delivers a mental deep-clean
  • Feeling of being reborn
  • Soul retrieval : reconnects a soul which has been driven away by trauma
  • Forces one to face oneself and connect with one’s true self
  • Heightened neuroplasticity : unlocks levels of consciousness beyond the reach of traditional therapies
  • Yields insights to the origins of deep psychological and emotional pain
  • Increases spiritual awareness and development
  • Visionary experiences
  • Auditory experiences – hearing different frequencies from separate planes of existence
  • Communion with deceased ancestors and the spirit world
  • Sense of everything merging into one – a feeling of oneness with the Universe, with God, with all that is
  • Meetings with supernatural entities
  • Communication with the wisdom of a Higher Power
  • Access to celestial and ancient wisdom
  • Jaw-dropping epiphanies
  • Reminder that deep knowledge is buried deep within
  • Recall of true infinite nature
  • Meeting with the Higher Self, or with God, the Source, the Universe, with the Spirit of Iboga
  • Foundation for profound and infinite transformation
  • Fear of physical death banished
  • Certainty that the soul survives death
  • Visions of breath-taking clarity
  • Transcendental experience
  • Awareness that time is an illusion and of the Great Eternal Now
  • Unlocks the data within one’s DNA
  • Inter-dimensional journeying
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