Benefits of Iboga
Addiction Circuit-Breaker:
- Can reverse substance addiction: including heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, methodone, nicotine, opioid and alcohol addiction
- Halts toxic behavioural patterns and negative thoughts can return brain to ‘normal’ (pre-addicted) condition resets the addicted brain
- Total brain detox from symptoms of addiction
- Eliminates addiction withdrawal symptoms
- Repairs and regenerates neurons damaged by addiction
- Can positively alter perceptions, mood, consciousness and behavioural patterns
- One Ibogaine treatment = ten years of therapy
- Induces immediate deep introspection
- Induces ‘life review’ allowing recall of key psychological life events which may hold clues to present and persistent issues, including the root cause of addiction
- Opens doorway to subconscious mind
- Deep but detached self-analysis – recollection of painful memories in detached unemotional manner, allowing them to be recognised, understood, accepted, assimilated and healed
- Allows access to the deep recesses of the mind for psychological insight into difficulties and traumas
- Can reduce and even completely eliminate anxiety and depression
- Induces deep emotional encounter with one’s own heart
- Leads to greater connection with oneself and the world
- Healing of disconnection, isolation and loneliness – when one is fully integrated, and when one has one’s own soul, loneliness is not possible
- Heals a psyche fragmented by trauma
- Induces a sense or enhanced brain capacity and mental clarity
- Delivers a mental deep-clean
- Feeling of being reborn
- Soul retrieval : reconnects a soul which has been driven away by trauma
- Forces one to face oneself and connect with one’s true self
- Heightened neuroplasticity : unlocks levels of consciousness beyond the reach of traditional therapies
- Yields insights to the origins of deep psychological and emotional pain
- Increases spiritual awareness and development
- Visionary experiences
- Auditory experiences – hearing different frequencies from separate planes of existence
- Communion with deceased ancestors and the spirit world
- Sense of everything merging into one – a feeling of oneness with the Universe, with God, with all that is
- Meetings with supernatural entities
- Communication with the wisdom of a Higher Power
- Access to celestial and ancient wisdom
- Jaw-dropping epiphanies
- Reminder that deep knowledge is buried deep within
- Recall of true infinite nature
- Meeting with the Higher Self, or with God, the Source, the Universe, with the Spirit of Iboga
- Foundation for profound and infinite transformation
- Fear of physical death banished
- Certainty that the soul survives death
- Visions of breath-taking clarity
- Transcendental experience
- Awareness that time is an illusion and of the Great Eternal Now
- Unlocks the data within one’s DNA
- Inter-dimensional journeying